This course has been created for anyone involved in managing or administering medication to children and young people.
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Course Content
This course show you how to manage and administer medication correctly in any care setting for children and young people.
The course covers:
How to follow best practice for the safe administration of medication.
Identifying types of medications, including their forms and methods of administration.
Recognising and apply the "6 Rights" on a pharmacy label.
Evaluating the label of an over-the-counter medication.
Procedures for safely administering and storing medication.
Identifying common medication side effects.
What to do if a severe reaction is suspected.
Consent and Gillick competence
How to accurately complete a Medication Administration Record (MAR)
This course can also be tailored to the needs of your team.
Booking Details
This course is designed for personal development. It does not provide a regulated qualification.