Essential Care Courses
Our comprehensive Care and Support courses are designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge to work in the current health and social care environments.
From foundational to advanced topics, our training programs empower individuals to deliver compassionate, effective care, ensuring the highest standards of service.
Don’t see the course you are looking for? Always contact us for advice, ask about our tailored training support options or feel free to make suggestions regarding courses you would like to be added

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Basic life Support
1 DayAim: To enable staff to gain the knowledge and understanding to follow procedures in preserving a lifePOA -
Care and Support Planning
1/2 DayThe Care and Support Planning course is aimed at all staff who have the responsibility of caring for and supporting clients.POA -
Dignity & Respect
1/2 DayThe Dignity & Respect course is aimed at all staff who have responsibility for supporting Clients to enhance their well being, and quality of life.POA -
Emergency First Aid
1 DayThe Emergency First Aid course is aimed at those staff responsible for carrying out emergency First Aid. Please note: This course is valid for 1 year. A refresher course: can be delivered in a 3 hour session as long as candidates have proof of an original current First Aid including CPR certificate from a reputable provider.POA -
End of Life Care
1/2 DayThe End of Life course provides Care Staff, with an understanding of how to support and care for clients when they are nearing the end of their life.POA -
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
1/2 Day1/2 Day Equality & Diversity TrainingPOA -
Fire Safety Awareness
1/2 Day CourseThe Fire Safety Awareness course is aimed at All Staff. There is a yearly requirement that staff receive appropriate fire safety training annually.POA -
Food Safety Awareness
1/2 Day CourseThe Food Safety course is aimed at All Staff who prepare and serve food.POA -
Health & Safety Awareness
1/2 Day CourseThis Health and Safety course is aimed at all staff. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, requires that all staff have an awareness of their responsibilities under the Act. It also meets the employer requirements for providing Health and Safety training, to include themselves and all their staff.POA -
Infection Prevention and Control Awareness
1/2 Day CourseThis Infection Prevention and Control (including Cleanliness) course is aimed at all staff who have direct or indirect responsibility for the care and support of clients within the Care Sector.POA -
Learning Disability Awareness
1/2 DayThe Learning Disability course is aimed at all staff who care for and support service users who live with a variety of conditions that impact their lives.POA -
Manual Handling
1/2 DayThis Manual handling course is aimed at all Care Staff who are required to move and handle inanimate objects.POA -
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
1/2 Day CourseMental Capacity Act (MCA) & Deprivation of Liberty Awareness ​POA -
Moving and Positioning
1 DayThe course provides delegates with the skills, knowledge and confidence to become an effective Trainer in Moving and Positioning. It also ensures that the delivery of a Moving and Positioning course is effective and impactful, so staff fully understand and know how to apply their learnings into working practices.POA -
Nutrition and Hydration
1/2 Day CourseThis Nutrition and Hydration course is aimed at All Staff who have responsibility for supporting Clients, to choose and consume appropriate food and drink.POA -
Person Centred Care
1/2 DayAims:​ Understand person centred approaches for care and support. ​ Be able to work in a person-centred way. ​POA